04 April 2010

Today Never Happen Again

Welcome to my life. The day i met you since like before we meet. i hope today never happen again. you wanna to forget me maybe. cause i know that you don't love me. i know you just appreciate me sine we know each other. i know you just forgive me about something that i tell you that i love you. i know if we have missunderstanding about love. i'm false about you. and you think that something i told you is different about what do you think. so maybe i just learn how to understand you. and i have wrong about you. but it doesn't matter i have to improve myself. sorry i f i just hurt you or something that i told you make your hearts is broken. but i have just tell you the truth from the deep inside of my heart if i love you. so my heart is relieved. thank you for everything during this we know each other. and I also apologize for my mistake during this. thank you.

by : ardi.

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